Cape Cod Real Estate, REALTORS®, Homes and Land - find a REALTOR® on Cape Cod!

i Real Estate Cape Cod

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i Real Estate Home

279 Orleans Road
North Chatham, MA 02650
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Ph: 508-945-6443
Fax: 508-945-7837
Featured Chatham REALTOR
Greg Murphy
Greg Murphy
William Raveis Real Estate
Realtor Services Menu:
Design | Function | Hosting | Marketing | MLS Navigator | Email System

Update your own listings:

Ever want to have the ability to build your own website? We can give you and your brokers the ability to:

Add your own listings quickly
Organize listings according to your criteria
Add new messages with the click of a button

Add your own listings quickly:

If you can type, you can add and organize new listings on your database. Through the creation of custom forms, you can list all the information, or as little as you would like to about a specific property.

Simply scan in the picture or download it from your digital camera. Fill in your custom-built form with the information about the property, hit "enter", and your new property is on your website.

Organize listings according to your criteria

Whether you want to have a property of the week, or simply organize your properties by: For Sale, Under Agreement, Sold. We will custom-design forms for you to fill in information about your properties on your own, saving you money, and aggravation.

Add new messages with the click of a button:

Being able to update your website on a regular basis allows you to educate the user, and let them know your site isn't stale. Many of today's real estate sites have listings that are stale because the company uses an outdated and complicated system.

If you can't use, or don't enjoy updating your website, chances are you'll neglect it. Having out-of-date information on your site can be detrimental to your business.

Our system allows you to update your listing efficiently, but you can also have customized fields where you can create a new, personalized message for your viewers every time they visit. Keeping your site fresh will dramatically increase your Internet presence.